
How to improve your advertising ROI

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Advertising is a huge investment (I know, talk about stating the obvious). After all, multiple global advertisers each spend in excess of $1 billion annually. So it’s unsurprising that measuring advertising effectiveness is critical. Conversely, that’s why it’s so important to improve and optimize advertising ROI as much as possible.

And real-time measurements give you meaningful insights in the moment.

Slow data = wasted budget

After all, surveys can struggle to provide the level of detail needed to really understand how effective a campaign performs. They’re great at understanding net effects. For one thing poor survey methods mean that data arrives too late. They don’t offer the detail that’s needed to understand the success or failure of the creative. Traditional survey research, spending months in the field and more months being spat out into tables or endless PowerPoint, could only ever be used as a source of planning. In brief, the conversation would be, “well, we’ve spent £20 million on creative and media and it was a failure. Fingers crossed it won’t happen next time!”

Campaign evaluation after the event is meaningless.

In any case, the problem is that the data, because it is so slow, can’t be used to course-correct during the campaign. The measurement isn’t aligned to to the marketing investment. To have any real business impact, campaign effectiveness has to be understood in real-time across all campaign types. Without this, ineffective campaigns will continue to run, and that means teams waste budget.

How to help your brand save ad spend

We’ve solved this problem with Delineate Proximity by running campaign evaluation using daily surveys and daily surfacing of data. That data streams directly into existing infrastructure like data warehouses using our API. It appears directly in a marketer’s dashboard rather than disappearing in piles of emails and Slack messages. Campaign evaluation becomes actionable.

The effectiveness of the campaign is understood in-flight, and creative that isn’t working can be pulled right away. Coca-Cola revealed that they’ve saved 25% of their media spend using our platform; their campaign evaluation is actionable in-flight rather than being something to plan for next year.

This leads me to ask – are you ready to help your brand follow in Coca-Cola’s footsteps?